Beirut Chamber Empowers Innovators: Successful Workshops to 9 awarded spin offs

Beirut Chamber has successfully organized two empowering workshops on September 11th and 13th at its training center, dedicated to advancing innovation and cultural heritage projects. As part of the EU-funded iHERITAGE project, these workshops were exclusively designed for the 9 spin-offs subgrantees who have been awarded funds to enhance their projects.

Expert Evan Fakhoury has injected dynamic energy into a series of workshops, creating an engaging and enriching learning experience. The first workshop, held on September 11th, focused on “Innovative Cultural Heritage Promotion,” where participants engaged in immersive sessions covering marketing fundamentals, branding strategies, the art of storytelling, educational approaches, partnership cultivation, and insightful case studies. On September 13th, the second workshop, “Prototype Development: From Concept to Reality,” offered subgrantees a comprehensive roadmap for building, testing, and scaling prototypes, while also emphasizing user testing fundamentals and interactive activities to enhance the learning experience. The Beirut Chamber remains committed to fostering innovation and preserving cultural heritage within the iHERITAGE project, providing participants with knowledge, skills, and networks that will propel their projects to new heights.

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